Previous Experience

Freelance Contracts

Chesterfield Borough Council, 2024 – 2026

Richard, working as an associate with Beam, has been commissioned to undertake the evaluation of the Animate: Chesterfield and Staveley Public Art Programme, supporting all the partners involved by developing an evaluation framework, then carrying out interim and final evaluations of the project. 

Sporting Heritage, 2024 – 2026

Richard has been commissioned by Sporting Heritage to undertake the evaluation of the delivery of their business plan, which was developed through their previous resilience project. This includes developing an evaluation plan and supporting the project team to evaluate the implementation of the business plan as it progresses.

Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust , 2023 – 2025

Richard has been commissioned by Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust to undertake the evaluation of their resilience project, supporting the development of the organisation. This will include developing an evaluation plan and supporting the project team to evaluate the impact of the project as it progresses.

Hull City Council, 2023

Richard worked as an associate with Beam to support the the development of a public art plan for Hull City Council. This involved consulting with a range of stakeholders and carrying out desktop research in order to support and encourage the commissioning of public art across the area.

Creative Recovery, 2023 – 2024

Richard has been commissioned by Creative Recovery – a Barnsley based arts, culture, health and wellbeing charity – to carry out the the evaluation of their Growing Creativity project, developing an evaluation framework and carrying out external evaluation. 

Sporting Heritage, 2022 – 2023

Richard, working in partnership with Jemma Conway, was commissioned by Sporting Heritage to undertake the evaluation of their resilience project, supporting the development of the organisation. This included developing an evaluation plan and supporting the project team to evaluate the impact of the project as it progresses.

North East Lincolnshire Council, 2022 – 2023

Richard worked as an associate with Beam to develop a public art approach for the North East Lincolnshire area. This involved consulting with a range of stakeholders and carrying out desktop research in order to support and encourage the commissioning of public art across the area.

Tees Rivers Trust, 2022 – 2023

Richard, working in partnership with Jemma Conway, was commissioned by the Tees Rivers Trust to undertake the evaluation of the Fish for Tees project. This included developing an evaluation plan and action plan, as well as supporting the project team to develop their skills to evaluate individual activities. Richard and Jemma also undertook the external evaluation of the project as a whole to demonstrate the impact of the physical improvements to the river corridor and community engagement activities

Heritage Trust Network, 2022 – 2023

Richard, working in partnership with Jemma Conway, was commissioned by Heritage Trust Network to support the evaluation of the Digital Heroes project. They included developing an evaluation plan and action plan, then acting as advisors and support to the project manager who will be carrying out the ongoing evaluation. The project linked young people with digital skills to heritage organisations to support the digital development of those organisations.

Markham Vale Heritage Group, 2022

Richard was commissioned to undertake the evaluation of the Walking Together project, supporting all the partners involved by developing an evaluation plan and carrying out a final evaluation of the project. This marked the 10th anniversary of a series of project to commemorate and highlight the mining history of Markham Vale.

Selby District Council, 2022

Richard worked as an associate with Beam to develop a public art plan for the district of Selby. This involved consulting with a range of stakeholders and carrying out desktop research in order to create a practical guide to support the commissioning of public art across the District. 

NMITE (New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering), 2022

Richard worked as an associate with Affinity Consulting to undertake research and develop a report for NMITE (New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering) based in Hereford. This focused on the the skills required for the future of work along with models of operation for makerspaces. This was to provide an evidence base to support NMITE with the development of their Future of Skills Hub, as part of the Stronger Towns Investment Fund programme in Hereford.

Creative Recovery, 2022

Richard was commissioned by Creative Recovery – a Barnsley based arts, culture, health and wellbeing charity – to support them in the recruitment of additional trustees for the organisation.

Sheffield City Council, 2022

Richard was commissioned by Sheffield City Council to carry out the evaluation of improvements to a small park in the city, supported through central government Pocket Park Funding.

Wakefield Council, 2021 – 2022

Richard worked as an associate with Beam to commission an artist to produce artworks as part of the regeneration plans for Castleford town centre. Wakefield Council have secured outline funding through the Government’s Town Fund for the Henry Moore Square, Sagar Street and Riverside areas of Castleford. Richard produced the artist brief, identified the shortlist of artists best suited for the commission and managed the selection process. He then supported the artist through the development of the artwork, integrating it into the urban design proposals for the area and the requirements of the business case document.

North East Lincolnshire Council, 2021 – 2022

Richard worked as an associate with Beam to develop a creativity strategy for the North East Lincolnshire area. This involved working with stakeholders and local people, to develop a fun and engaging strategy for the future that will focus on three key elements:  How to build leadership to champion the role of creativity across the borough; How to engage young people; & How to celebrate North East Lincolnshire’s rich and varied heritage to wider range of audiences

Sheffield City Council, 2020 – 2023

Richard, working in partnership with Jemma Conway, has been commissioned by Sheffield City Council to undertake the long term monitoring and evaluation of the Heritage Fund supported Sheffield General Cemetery project. They will be developing an evaluation toolkit and framework, as well as supporting the project team and partners to develop their skills to evaluate individual projects. Richard and Jemma will also undertake the external evaluation of the project as a whole.

Creative Recovery, 2020 – 2021

Richard was commissioned by Creative Recovery – a Barnsley based arts, culture, health and wellbeing charity – to research funding sources and produce a funding plan to support their future work.

COAST Consortium, 2020 – 2021

Richard worked as an associate with Beam to develop a ten year cultural strategy for the Borough of Scarborough. This involves consulting with a range of  stakeholders and carrying out desktop research in order to develop the strategy and action plan by July 2021.

Kirklees Council, 2020 – 2021

Richard worked as an associate with Beam, coordinating a feasibility study to develop a public art installation system along key streets across Kirklees.

Selby District Council, 2020 – 2021

Richard worked as an associate with Beam to develop a five year cultural framework for the district of Selby. This involved consulting with a range of  stakeholders and carrying out desktop research in order to develop the framework and action plan by March 2021.

North Pennines AONB Partnership, 2019 – 2020

Richard worked as an associate with Beam, developing an arts engagement strategy and programme as part of an £8.5m Heritage Fund environmental and heritage scheme. He led on consultation with arts organisations across the Teesdale and Swaledale area, writing a five year arts engagement strategy  and programme of activities to reflect local need. 

Mantle Arts, 2019

Richard undertook an organisational review considering the operation and artistic programme of the organisation. The review identified the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses, researched funding opportunities and presented recommendations for the future artistic direction and operation of the organisation.

Barnsley Council, 2018 – 2019

Richard acted as local group co-ordinator for the URBACT funded TechRevolution for Barnsley Council. Barnsley Council is the lead partner for a transnational knowledge transfer network sharing good practice on support for the digital sector. He managed the transition from the previous phase of the project (TechTown) and established the forward plan to take the group through to December 2020).

Barnsley Council, 2018 – 2019

Richard developed a successful expression of interest on behalf of Barnsley Council to the government’s Future High Street Fund seeking support to regenerate a key area with Barnsley Town Centre.

Barnsley Council, 2018 – 2019

Richard developed and submitted a €5 million ERDF Urban Innovative Actions Fund bid on behalf of Barnsley Council focusing on supporting the digital economy in Barnsley. This involved consultation with local, regional and national partners to develop a strategic and coordinated programme of activity that formed the bid.

Heritage Project Officer

Eagles Foundation, 2022 – 2024

Richard is developing and leading the “Sheffield Eagles – the story of a Rugby League club battling against the odds” project. This is a two-year project to collect, record and share the heritage of the Sheffield Eagles Rugby League Football League Club. This post is employed by the Eagles Foundation, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and will involve working closely with the Sheffield Eagles Rugby League Club. This will include:

  • Researching archives
  • Digitisation of key documents and items from the club’s past
  • Collecting stories
  • Training and support to volunteers
  • Sharing the stories
  • Working with the local community

Manager, Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership

Barnsley Council, 2013 – 2018

Richard developed and managed this innovative, five year, £2.4m programme, working with local communities to protect, preserve and enhance the heritage and environment of the Dearne Valley Area of South Yorkshire. There was a particular focus on the use of the arts and creativity to engage with rural and semi-rural communities, as well as supporting and developing the visitor economy. The programme was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, working across three local authority boroughs (Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham). It consisted of a range of projects including historic building restoration, public art commissions, capacity building, festivals, community engagement, learning, environmental improvements and wildlife surveys. It was successful in the 2018 Local Government Chronicle Awards, winning the Community Involvement category. Richard was responsible for establishing the strategic direction, development and management of the programme. This was across all elements of the programme including branding, monitoring, research, evaluation, the five year action plan, partnership working and fundraising. In the delivery phase he led the programme including managing capital projects, budget monitoring, co-ordinating grant claims, managing a team of four, supporting the Partnership Board, ensuring funder compliance and leading on the monitoring and evaluation.

Development Officer, Remaking Barnsley

Barnsley Council, 2009 – 2013

As part of the Remaking Barnsley team, Richard focused on economic development issues in rural areas of the borough of Barnsley. As part of this initiative he secured and managed a £3m programme of ERDF funding focusing on the development of cultural infrastructure across the borough. This funding was secured on behalf of those leading on the  implementation of the creation of the new museum for Barnsley (Experience Barnsley) and the restoration of the Wentworth Castle conservatory. Richard led on all aspects of the funding bid and the subsequent management of it to ensure correct spend and all the ERDF funding requirements were met.

Barnsley Urban Renaissance Design Advisory Panel (BURDAP)

Barnsley Council, 2009 – 2018

Richard was the Council representative on BURDAP, the Council’s independent design advisory panel. This panel comprised of architects, landscape architects and other experts (all external to the Council), meeting on a regular basis to consider major or significant planning pre-applications or applications. The aim was to provide input at the earliest stage possible in the planning process. The panel was in place to improve the design quality within the Borough, through open, honest and constructive discussions with applicants and their design teams. Due to his background and wide experiences Richard was invited to act as the Council’s representative on the panel, giving his input from a heritage, public realm, regeneration, architecture and arts perspective, drawing on his extensive knowledge of the area.

Project Manager (Public Realm)

Wakefield Council, 2006 – 2009

Richard managed the implementation of a range of public realm projects and initiatives across Wakefield. He led directly on specific public realm projects (Crown Court Yard and the Bull Ring), managing all aspects of project initiation, design development, implementation, management, monitoring, communication, consultation and evaluation through to completion. He was budget holder for the £3.5 million public realm budget and was responsible for prioritising funding against proposed projects. 

Townscape Heritage Initiative Development Officer

Sheffield City Council, 2004 – 2006

Richard managed the Cultural Industries Quarter Townscape Heritage Initiative. The scheme aimed to regenerate both the historic environment and economy of this area of Sheffield through a mix of conservation (Heritage Lottery Fund) and regeneration (SRB / Objective 1) funding. This was achieved through grants to building owners. He was responsible for scheme development / management, grant assessment, development appraisals, monitoring of works on site, publicity, evaluation and reporting to funders. Richard was part of the City Council’s Urban Design Team and in addition to managing the THI he was part of pre-application meetings with design teams who were developing schemes in the CIQ area. 

Senior Manager, Creative Centre for the Built Environment

Public Arts, Wakefield, 2003 – 2004

Richard was responsible for supporting the strategic development of the proposed CCBE building and the development of the People Making Places programme. This programme aimed to increase the understanding of, and capacity for, good design in all aspects of the public realm and built environment. His role included co-ordinating the successful delivery of a range of workshops, seminars, publications, demonstration projects and research initiatives. He was also responsible for managing the Commissioning and Consultancy Team who were involved in a range of public art commissions, strategies and initiatives throughout the country for external clients.

Arts Officer

Charnwood Borough Council, 1997 – 2003

Richard was responsible for the development and implementation of the Council’s Arts and Public Art Strategies. He led on all aspects of arts development throughout the borough, including: distributing arts development grants, rural and community touring, public art commissions, managing a gallery space, acting as lead officer for the council with Charnwood Arts (the local arts development agency) and offering advice, guidance and support to individuals and organisations throughout the borough.

Urban Regeneration Officer

Leicester City Council, 1995 – 1997

Richard was part of the team responsible for the development of Leicester’s successful bid to the second round of the Single Regeneration Budget, resulting in the awarding of £12m. The team was also responsible during the first year of the programme for the monitoring and co-ordination of the twenty-five projects focusing on economic regeneration, environmental sustainability and community safety. 

Project Officer

Hillsborough Community Development Trust, Sheffield, 1992 – 1995

Richard worked for a small, locally managed charity, which aimed to improve the quality of life for those who lived and worked in the Hillsborough area. He was responsible for specific projects including building refurbishments, feasibility studies, fund raising and community consultation.